RedPlate Logistics Shipper Mobile Application – No Subscription Required


Shipper Customers

Deliver Quickly And Efficiently
At RedPlate we provide islandwide delivery services with our team of RedPlate Transporters and Riders on the road all around the island. Working closely with you our customer to ensure your experience meets your exact needs every-time.

Secure services
We provide security of your delivery. You can use our online tracking system to check where your item is.

Express Delivery
Our team of RedPlate Transporters and Riders are on the road all around the island ensuring that the delivery your items are made to the right place at the right time safely.

Scalable Business Options
As you grow and scale your business we want to ensure that you have the right support to grow. With our range of business models and support solutions we will ensure you’re better prepared to handle the increased customers and clients.


Shipper Customer Segments

RedPlate Logistics Shipper Mobile Application – No Subscription Required

Functions and Features Offered

1 Signup / Login using phone number and email

2 Book single truck for single pickup and single drop

3 Select pickup address:
a) From the map
b) From the address book
c) From saved addresses

4 Select drop address:
a) From the map
b) From the address book
c) From saved addresses
5 Confirm receiver / consignee details:
a) Name
b) Number

6 Select load type:
a) Select Good Types
b) Describe Load In More Detail:
i) If Palletized – number of pallets, height, pallet type, total weight
ii) If Loose – number of units, dimensions, weight
iii) If Full Container Load – type of container

7 Additional load details
a) Upload photos of the shipment to help Transporters know more about the load
b) Reference number – For shippers to map the load internally with their e-commerce system, ERP etc

8 Collect value of goods from receiver – Shippers can opt in for this in case they wish the Transporter to also collect the value of goods from the receiver. They need to enable this option and add the value of goods.
A tracking link to track the load is generated by the system that is sent via EMAIL and SMS to the receiver (Consignee).

When Transporter arrives at the drop, the receiver can review the load and pay for it via the same tracking link or via cash payment to the Transporter. If paid in cash the Transporter wallet is credited with that amount.

9 Who pays for the shipment? Receiver (Consignee) / Shipper (Consigner)
a) If paid by the receiver (consignee) the Transporter has to collect the shipment fees at the time of delivery in cash and this amount is credited into the Transporter’s (Transporter’s) wallet.
b) If paid by the shipper (consigner), the shipper needs to select from one of the following payment options:
i) Pay by cash at the time of pickup
ii) Pay online via credit / debit card
iii) Pay via RedPlate Logistics Approved Credit Line
iv) Pay partially via loyalty credits

10 Add additional load for the same delivery address – Multiple loads can be delivered to
the same consignee and those details can all be added here.

11 Truck / Trailer types are shown based on:
a) Good Types – not all trucks / trailers can transport all sorts of goods so this needs to be matched
b) Weight – Show trucks that can carry the weight of the load only.

12 Select the trailer (Truck) type and view the system generated price for each type of
trailer / truck

13 Pricing Engine For Each Truck / Trailer Type:
a) Intra City – For pickup and drop inside the same city
i) Mileage – Charge based on mileage between the pickup and drop.

FARE ESTIMATE = Base Fee + Price / distance * (distance between pickup and
drop – distance for which no fee is charged) + Price / time * (time estimate to
complete the trip – time for which fee is not charged) + Waiting Fee / time *
Waiting time at pickup point + Transporter Preference Fee) + Stop Fee (for multiple
ii) Range – Charge a fixed fee based on different distance ranges. Say
from 0-10 miles = $

b) Inter City – For pickup and drop between cities
i) Fixed Fees – Fixed prices between cities for different vehicle types
ii) Mileage – same as above

14 Handler / Labour Fees – If handlers / labours are needed for hauling the load on and off the trucks, shippers can select the numbers they need and can see the price per stop for the labours per person. This fee is added to the full delivery fees

15 Custom shipping fee budget – If the shipper does not want to go with the system generated fees, they are free to enter their budget for the load, the Transporters will see this as the budget / truck when they receive the load requests.

16 Book Now – The booking is sent into a dispatch queue where the system tries to best match the booking with Transporters. This is on-demand where the booking goes to the nearest Transporter first and they can choose to accept / deny the booking. If the booking does not get matched with a Transporter automatically it gets posted to the central dispatch who can then manage it via the TMS to a Transporter.
The matching algorithm factors in:
a) Nearby Transporters
b) Truck / Trailer type

17 Book Later – A load can be booked for pickup at a scheduled date and time. These loads are posted on the RedPlate MyLoad board for Transporters to view and accept. These loads can be also manually assigned to Transporters via the central dispatch portal (TMS).
Additional Option For Book For Later Dispatch – The dispatch can start “x” mins before the scheduled pickup time and is dispatched to available Transporters around the pickup address

18 My Loads – Shippers can track all their active loads on this page.
The different status’s here are:
a) Open loads
b) Transporter assigned
c) On the way to pick-up
d) At the pickup address
e) Loading started
f) Loading completed
g) POP uploaded
h) Cash collected and delivery complete
i) On the way to delivery address
j) At delivery address
k) Unloading started
l) Unloading completed
m) POD uploaded and signature captured
n) Delivery completed and shipper rated

19 Digital Documents – Shipper can view all the documents uploaded by the Transporter.
Shipper gets the following documents:
a) BOL (Bill Of Lading) – Via email
b) POP (Proof Of Pickup) – Documents / Images with notes visible on app and
also sent on Delivery Confirmation
c) POD (Proof Of Delivery) – Documents / Images with notes visible on app and
also sent on Delivery Confirmation
d) Signature – Receiver signature with name and number
e) Delivery Confirmation – Sent via email
f) Invoice – Sent on delivery completion for online / cash bookings

20 Live Tracking – Shipper can track the Transporter live on a map and track the Transporter in real time.

21 Address Book – Shippers can create an address book and save locations and contacts of their retail and business customers for quick access while creating new loads.

22 Cancel Loads – Shippers can cancel loads for free before a Transporter has accepted a load and will be charged a cancellation fee of 25% in case load is cancelled after a Transporter has accepted the load.

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